It’s Time To Build

This is a picture of the business card My Friend and I started this business in 2006. I worked it for about a year part time. I remember having plans to build car washes and have several trucks deployed each day to detail cars. The business was earning me an additional $600 a month profit.

The business didn’t fail. I shut down shop to focus on building a network marketing company in 2007. My wife and I worked that business for a solid six months and we still see the fruits of it today with direct deposits from the residual income. Months ago I decided to build again, a business that will continue to pay me long after the work is done.

You can not be afraid to do something different or try something different. Every household needs multiple streams of income outside of your Job. Because jobs, no matter how much of an asset you are, is not promised! I suggest building a business before you need business. And if you need a business….Build it now. If you can invest a couple of Benjamin Franklins that will guarantee a return by working a few hours a week, it only makes sense.

Build a legacy that you can pass to your children. Build an income that doesn’t stop working when you sleep. Build for a better tomorrow. Build for financial freedom. Build so that you can invest time in your kids. Make the sacrifices now and you will see the fruits of it later. It will NEVER be the right time in your life to build a business part time. Trust me when I say NEVER. And that is the number one reason why the time is now!

Aquila T Carmon

Merry Christmas

I wanted to take a moment to wish you a Merry Christmas. I thought it would be important to remind you the significance of gratefulness. Many people have been frustrated and stressed over the last few days scrambling to buy gifts, travel to family gatherings and buying the kids gifts just to see them smile. I want you to consider taking a moment to look around, not to think of things you do not have, but to look at what you do have. Breath is a starting point. Be grateful today for life. Be grateful for those you do life with, who made it to this day still as an active part of your life. Be grateful for shelter and food. Be grateful for anyone that you have an opportunity to love and to share love with. Me personally, I am grateful that God saw it fit to send His Only begotten son, wrap him in a human body and commission Him to be the sacrifice that would give me access to salvation. Be grateful during this holiday season. ‘Tis the season to be jolly! Merry Christmas From my family to yours.

Aquila T Carmon

My Daughter’s Motivation

How many of us have ever found motivation from frustration? Have you ever been motivated by difficulty in reaching a goal, obtaining a level of achievement or making something happen when it feels like you don’t have much of anything to make it with.  Has failure ever motivated you to the place where you say this will be the last time I find myself in this situation?

My most recent motivation came from my seven year old daughter.  I wish I could say that it came from watching her do something amazing or seeing her not give up. Those are always great moments that motivate me to do and be better.  Unfortunately, not this time.  I was picking her up from after care along with my two five year old sons.  She came running to the car with an amazing amount of excitement and I begin to think, boy she has been in there having fun!! She runs up to the passenger side but today she didn’t reach for the back door to get in. She says, “Daddy, Daddy you have to come inside the school for the Winter festival!!” At that moment I’m thinking, “OH NO, What did I miss?” Knowing that this is about to be a hard conversation I reply, “baby we can’t, I have to go back to work.”

So far there are two dilemmas.  The first, not knowing this winter festival is taking place because I didn’t read through all of the teacher’s communications. The second is that my daughter really wants me to attend this event but I’m on the particular day I am scheduled to work the late shift even though I have been working since 8am to catch up on unfinished assignments and to meet fast approaching deadlines.

So my baby girl who sometimes will make it known she is upset and sad breaks down to cry.  Not an “I am mad” kind of cry.  But a “This is the most disappointing thing ever” kind of cry.  My heart is pierced to the point that if I wasn’t a grown man I would have cried with her.  I immediately become angry that I haven’t “made it” yet.  I become angry because I have been exposed to opportunities that if I had worked and pushed years ago I would be financially free by now.  I become angry because my job, as important as, it is should not be putting my in a position to chose an income over my children. Not in 2018 when people are making six figures in their 20’s. I became so angry that I became motivated. You see she cried until I promised her Chinese food and a bag of takis.

You see, as I begin to promise her some of her favorite things.  I began to promise myself some things too. I promised myself that I would not stop building my own business until it is a business that will provide for them what my kids need.  That it will produce the type of residual income that will afford me options. The Word of God says in Ecclesiastes 10:19 “A feast is made for laughter, wine makes life merry and money answers all things.” You see money unlocks options.  It provides opportunities and choices for us.  Its the difference of where you get your education, how you spend your time and who you spend it with.  It can determine how you can get out of your normal routine and rest or if you have to work 2-3 jobs to make it.  I’ve pulled countless double shifts, stayed in terrible hotels, hoped for a ride to come and the “friend” never showed up.  My father and mother are the hardest working people I know. But they taught me to get hired on a job, pay the bills, take two weekend trips a year, then rinse and repeat. I have no desire to leave my children with the burden of being routed and steered by society. Neither would I have them facing road blocks, rejected credit and a limitation of resources because I refused to exist outside of the box that I have grown up to know.  I desire to leave them with a way to fund their dreams and a way to finance the cost of their goals. Sometimes we are waiting for a miracle after God has given us a resource to produce right here in our hands and our minds.

My daughter’s tears became another motivator for me to be better and to do better.  My daughter’s tears have motivated me to revisit my dreams and push for them.  They motivate me to build and work more intensely in ministry and for my community for the children who don’t have the parents that say “Baby everything’s going to be alright!”

Be motivated, stay encouraged and know that anything is possible. Nothing worth building is built overnight. It may take all you’ve got to build it but build it none the less. Build your Church, build your marriage, build your business, build relationships. Build yourself until you can look at your life and know you’ve given God and the people he has entrusted you to impact all you were meant to give.

Aquila T Carmon

Why I Have To…..

Why I Have to Succeed….


I Am a Husband – I have vowed to honor my wife with my life even If it means laying this life down for hers. I am her strength, a foundation on which she should be able to stand in recognition of God’s command to cleave to her as her husband. I am purposed be the Visionary of this family developing the ability to navigate us through uncertainty.  I must know where I am going and how I will get there. I must understand the relentless effort it will take and know that I will be challenged to quit. But I cannot allow the head to be removed leaving the body to drift aimlessly. I must, for the sake of my wife, run towards a goal with fierce ambition.  Satisfying her is my responsibility.  I must position myself to provide spiritually, financially, emotionally and physically. It will be impossible for me to do this buried under the agendas that are forced into my life just to provide in that one specified area of life.  Especially while this provisionary sustenance is limited to someone’s opinion of my value.  I need to become, while I have strength and life, the one helping secure our lives now for the future. My marriage should not be an component of debt nor acclimated to tiresome getaways never experiencing a real vacation.  To be stress less is a major key to happiness and happiness along with early retirement is what I desire to gift myself and my wife with. 


I Am a Father – I have 3 small children depending and watching my every move. My goal as a father first guaranteeing that all their needs are present. The second goal is preparing and securing their futures for their futures. I refuse to wonder if college or even a choice of college is an option. As a father I must create an income that will ensure if my grave finds me early my kids will know all needs are met. I desire to finance their dreams along with mine. I need them to see that building is possible and not just dreaming. Entrepreneurship is accesses limitless possibilities and will build a residual beyond myself and becomes a resource for my children. I need them to see success demonstrated in their home and break the cycle of struggle! I have a responsibility to protect my family and position us in the best place for continued growth and personal well-being.


I Am a Pastor – I have always resented the idea of preaching hope and struggling behind it.  “Let there be light” Light that people around me can be inspired to live life to the fullest.  Light that won’t cause fear of growth or stepping out beyond the artificial safety of normal and familiar.  I am in pursuance of the manifestation of God’s blessing in all that I put my hands to do.  It’s vital that my testimony of God’s blessing be made open, visible and transparent, so that those who are hungry for me may believe. I thank God that have joy and peace but God as much desires that I also experience wealth and wellness in every area of my life.


I am a Son – Let me be the son that makes my father prouder than he already is. As a black man our fathers long to see us find success in this world that has been so cruel and eager to those that have carried this color of skin in times past.  He longs to see me find success in my home, family and ministry. As an individual he wants to see me go much further than opportunities presented to him. Building a Residual income, creating multiple streams of income is the way to do it.


I am an Individual – Everyone who wants anything out of life is searching for something that can make them somebody with value.  I have a countless list of failures in my past and I am eager to represent my life in a different manner. I have a need to grow in the “accomplishments section” of my life.  I have too many dreams that haven’t been fulfilled and I refuse to die with them.  To be able to work in ministry full time is a must because that is what fulfills me.  I live with a servant’s heart and seeing the needs of others impresses on me sense of urgency to make a difference. My heart benefits tremendously when I see others benefit from demonstration of love.


The highest quality of me is met when achieving what those who have gone before me have not and what those who are with me wish to achieve. The highest quality of me is the man who helps others achieve beyond what their present potential suggests of them.  When I have learned to soar above where the trials, troubles and distractions of life would rather keep me grounded I have achieved the highest quality of me.  This includes placing the success of others as a priority since I have no desire to rise alone so that we all reach glory as one. That’s what I live for. That is my “WHY.”  I believe if I live and work at the highest quality of me today, I know I will reach the highest quality of me that I dream of.


Aquila T Carmon

About Trust(Part 2)

Robert H. Frank Wrote, “Trusting others puts us at risk. Yet failure to trust entails risk as well. The ability to navigate through this minefield successfully is one of life’s most valuable assets.”

I believe that the powerful ability to trust others effectively is directly connected success in business, relationships, development and life. Mentors, spouses, children, partners and friends are people we should be able to trust. Yet all of us in some aspect have encountered broken trust within these affiliations. Many different examples exist as to how this trust is broken but the ways to regain our ability to trust again is a common path. I cannot promise you that these steps will fix it all but I believe this can help you move in the direction to trust again.

1. Clearly and directly communicate what you feel to the person who broke the trust. This is your responsibility, because no matter how much you think they should know, they may have no idea what they’ve done.

2. Forgive them! Because healing cannot take place nor will you be able to trust effectively again until you forgive the one who broke the trust. Without forgiveness two things will be discovered. You will not be able to reconnect properly to that person who wronged you. That could even mean disconnecting from them socially and still not finding freedom in your heart from the distress they caused. Secondly your connection with God becomes distorted because of the unforgiving spirit that has found refuge in the heart.

3. Do what it takes to heal no matter if that means crying, screaming, praying or running around the house a few times. Remind yourself that all things good and bad mix together to forge strength and character within you. Avoid blaming yourself for someone else’s actions. Always remember that God has been, is and always will be with you. Reach for His hand of heealing and know that your best interests are in His plans even through the challenge.

4. Work with everything in you to become a person that people can trust because you understand the significance of needing to trust someone else without reservations.


About Trust (Part 1)

Simply stating what trust is, it means placing confidence in something that will work well.

Trust holds value because it’s a key element in successful relationships. It involves taking an intimate part of yourself to entrust that part of you to someone else. Trusting someone means “letting them in.” The collective understanding of trust equates to unlocking our inner emotions and thoughts to become vulnerable enough to allow another person to handle those intimate parts. Parts of us that should not particularly be handled by people.

I believe before confidence is deposited into someone we should complete a checklist that justifies the choice to trust. Before investing love, energy, time, and confidence, take the time to evaluate how they invest these same things into themselves or the people around them.

Do they truly love themselves? If they don’t then they won’t love you? Do they have respect for themselves, do they try to take care of themselves and their own things? If you dated somebody whose car was always full of trash, that allows no rights to join them in matrimony then argue about how they won’t aid in keeping the house clean.

What is the process of deeming a person worthy of trust? When you purchase a vehicle you should get the service records, check the blue book value and have it inspected before you drive off expecting it to be dependable. In other words you must WATCH and OBSERVE before you offer trust.

Trusting and placing your confidence in someone means you become reliant on them, resting your mind on their integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or any other sound characteristic we have witnessed in people. Trusting means leaning on others with hopes that they will not fall. But what is problematic with trust goes back to the opening statement which expresses placing confidence in something that will work well. But in my opinion, humans are more flawed than anything else on this earth so there is never a guarantee in how well a person will “work.”

That’s why Psalms 118:8 says, “it is better to put your trust in the Lord than put your confidence in man.” Psalms 146:3 “Do not put your trust in princes nor the son of man in whom there is no help” Jeremiah 17:5 “cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength” Micah 7:5 “A man’s enemies are the men of his own house”.

Wow! Do we still need to ask how or why we all find ourselves in a place where our trust has been broken? It is dangerous to place an expectation of commitment without an expectation of failure. Let me be clear, man is not like God and man will fail you! Give him enough time. But remember that the way you perceive them failing you is based on the measure of which you trust. You can’t fail me if I don’t trust you. If you make a stupid decision and I don’t trust you then I will not be disappointed. That’s the reason there are people right now that won’t trust anybody. But that’s why we must re-evaluate the purpose of trust.

In relationships trust is necessary because it produces something grand. Confidence! I hate it when my wife says to me “you’re supposed to be an Elder!” The last time was exactly a year ago when we tried to save money on a trip and I agreed to one of those ninety minute presentations. Well that turned into three hours and a brother lost his cool. Her translatable version of what I am “supposed to be” is “I am trusting that you can be better than this.” That means she puts her confidence in me and because of that I am now held accountable. This is true for employees, managers, Pastors, church members, marriage and friendships.  

For someone to put their confidence in us nudges the pride in us producing encouragement, pushing us and drives us to be better. But on the end of the trustee, emotions should not be attached to the trust. Trust becomes simply a tool used to inject accountability in relationships. The mistake we make too often is trusting others with parts of us that only God should have access to because only He will be perfect to respond to our trust without disappointment and failure.

I guess the take away would be that trust is risky, but John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a part of a continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were.”  Trust is powerful and because we cannot make it alone we have to learn how to trust seeing that it truly has the ability to make us better.

God Bless you,

Elder Aquila T. Carmon


The Right Connection

When my wife and I first got married there were actual arguments at bed time regarding even the slightest noise in the room. She claimed she needed completely silence in order to get any sleep. I on the other hand was convinced she just needed to close her eyes and lay there until she fell asleep.  You see, before marriage I’d become accustomed to allowing something optimistic to play as I slept through the night. Amazingly, whatever I listened to often impacted my dreams. I recall a very distinct dream giving me the privilege of sitting on the outside patio of a restaurant with Bishop T.D. Jakes conversing very specifically about my gift making room for me.  Obviously, it can be assumed that I was listening to one of his sermons on repeat entitled; “Your Gift Will Make Room For You”.  I believed that in the early part of my salvation these intimate moments of subconscious invasion helped to shape my thoughts for the next day and the next part of my life.  Listening to song by Shekinah Glory like, “Praise is What I do” and “Yes” encouraged my inner man to give my all in following Christ.

There are two points I want to make here. The first is simple but sometimes difficult. The point is, never allow someone to keep you from what brings you closer to Christ.  Many times we forfeit key elements of our growth to satisfy a person.   A person who does not hold a key to the blessing, purpose and destiny of our lives. This is not to automatically say that the person you are connected to isn’t good for you. Your relationship with God should not be deterred by any object, place or man. I firmly believe that in walking with and trusting God, those that are not “with” us or for us will be revealed and will fall away from our lives. Some with force, pain and hurt but a disconnect will take place. Growth and your determination to change will help reveal those unhealthy relationships.

The second point is to weigh in on the fact that your relationship with Christ has to be personal and steady.   It is much too crucial to who you are and who you are to become. So you have to make decisions that glorify God and God alone. 1 Peter 1:9NLT says “The reward for trusting him will be the salvation sent from God”. Please understand why it is absolutely essential to be connect to The Creator. Connecting with God is the right connection. Your destiny depends on your commitment to His plan for your life. And trust me, There is a plan for your life.  If you feel as if where you are not a part of the plan then maybe reading this today means your are right where you need to be. Here are your instructions.

Romans 10:9 Declare with your lips that Jesus is Lord in your life and Believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead for the sake of your sins. Do this and you are saved this very moment.

Matt 6:33 “Seek First the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness”. In other words make a determined decision to pray. Ask God for 2 things. 1. To create in you a clean heart while healing your life  2. To help you walk in His ways throughout your days.

Then connect with your local church.  Find a church full of love and faith. Hear God’s word preached as you study His Word for yourself.  This will help you grow.

Amen. Well, as far as my wife and I it was important that I found a resolution. That resolution was as simple as a set of head phones so that she could sleep and The Holy Spirit could minister to me on those nights I needed God’s word to encourage me. If you have given God your heart today then feel free to connect with me. Email me. I’d love to hear from you.

God Bless you!

Aquila T Carmon

Stay In The Race!

At the end of our life we will not look at our trophy case and become amused with all of the achievements arranged there simply by the sight of the accolades. The magnificence of the awards will be in the subject matter of each story for each individual trophy. Discovering gratefulness and a sense of fulfillment will be based on the lives that we impacted along the way. There is something extraordinary in each and every person that deserves to be unconstrained for the sake of others. While running this race you must run with intentions of making it to the end and giving all that is in you to give.

Very seldom do I think of my own departure from life but in doing so I’ve wondered what my funeral will be like. What will people be thinking about how I lived my life? Imperfect of course but death will cause you to think on the importance of someone’s life. Often, I remember one of the last things my grandmother told me before she passed away at age ninety-seven. We were sitting in her bedroom, the light through the window made the room very bright but her smile shined as radiant as the sun ever could. She didn’t know my name but she did say, “You’re George’s boy ain’t you?” I smiled back and said “yes ma’am I am” and grandma looked at me and said “you keep on walking with Jesus, you hear me boy.” Me knowing that any other decision to walk any other way was no longer an option replied “Yes ma’am I am

Dale Earnhardt, a professional race car driver and winner of the Most Popular Driver award in 2014, said “finishing races is important but racing is the most important thing.” Finishing is vital but what’s the good in finishing if you haven’t raced because this is what you love? What’s the point if this race isn’t about your passion or if you are endangering the life and destiny of the person next to you? Or better yet what if you don’t even make it to the finish line due to a wrong move? So how you race becomes more important than finishing because if you do not apply confidence in your ability, a particular skill set, wisdom to make the right decisions and consideration of others during the race you may not even make it to the finish. A Race can be defined as a contest which involves progress towards a goal. Anytime there is a goal involved there is required focus, determination, training and a careful yet fearless plan or progress.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 says “I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all.” Understand that no matter how great you think you should be or if you don’t think you are great at all, you are going to be faced with challenges. This bible verse is simply telling us that adversity inevitably will arise in life but those who stay in the race will be those who win the race, conquer in battle, acquire the bread and obtain the riches.

Remember that we do not reach destiny alone but should share our victories with others. A selfish racer will place the lives of others in danger’s path and possibly end up losing his own life. Life is a team sport. The more people you help, the greater an asset you become and the greater you gain. If you really want to fill your trophy shelf throughout life then let it be filled in heart, in legacy and in the memories of others. Give everything you’ve got to get that baton in the hands of someone else and set them up for the victory. So my dear friends, stay in the race.

Elder Aquila T. Carmon

Timely Direction

The other day my wife and I were headed to lunch with her family. A portion of my in-laws decided they would gather in celebration of her grandmother’s 88th birthday. It ‘s such a blessing celebrating another year with this beautiful woman whom by outside appearance has seemed to stop aging along side the time she lives. It was an incredible event to be attending but we ran into a bit of a fix that wasn’t a major issue but sometimes when someone is tired, babies are crying and people are calling you asking you where you are and you can only give are landmarks that mean nothing to you the anticipation of celebration can turn into simply frustration. My wife’s phone was ringing constantly and I kept making wrong turns. Finally, even though we were late, we decided to pull over, let the map reset on my phone and follow the new directions.

Oh how good it is to recieve timely directions. It reminded me of how lost we can end up without God’s direction. Years from now, days from now, even minutes from now are unchartered territory.  We don’t know what the future will hold. We don’t know what is around the next corner or behind the next open door but direction, good directions are always on time. We may have set an arrival time for certain plans in our life but we must understand that time planned and set by ourselves is always subject to change because we are not always in complete control.  So we must be open to a shift in direction in order to arrive at the predestined place and not just a destination.

Acts 16:7 talks about how Paul arrived at Mys’ia and decided he and the crew would travel to Bithynia but the Spirit would not allow them to Go. Instead he directed Paul to go to Macedonia and Paul concluded that the God called them to go there after a he was presented a vision of a man pleading for help.  One of the things I so greatly love about God is His ability to see the entire picture. He holds the map updated with every main highway and interstate to every dirt road and foot path.  He knows the way in which we should go. Proverbs 3:6 instructs man to acknowledge God in all of our ways and he shall direct our path. When we follow God with our hearts, He gives us timely direction for our feet. In the times that we seem to be lost, we are not. He guides us and we always arrive at the destination He needs us to be. To follow Christ, that is wisdom. Yeap that is wisdom.

~Aquila T Carmon